Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Eye Tracking and Inverse Process

如果在Google上搜一下"eye tracking", 会得到非常多的结果. 选两个如下:

Eye tracking is the process of measuring either the point of gaze ("where we are looking") or the motion of an eye relative to the head. An eye tracker is a device for measuring eye positions and eye movement. Eye trackers are used in research on the visual system, in psychology, in cognitive linguistics and in product design. There are a number of methods for measuring eye movement. The most popular variant uses video images from which the eye position is extracted. Other methods use search coils or are based on the electrooculogram.

我在 Jan 10, 2012 的那篇博文 "差点撞车 A Collision Set-up"  http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=11805678#editor/target=post;postID=5874406502671032586 中提到的“眼珠移动技术” 就是以eye tracker 的技术为基础发展出来的.

Michelangelo’s David
As you can see above, people almost always focus in on faces, breasts and genital areas. This is common knowledge and often exploited by advertisers, but what’s interesting is that it seems to have nothing to do with sexual orientation – in our little test, even the straightest male participant couldn’t help but cop a quick look at David’s manhood.  http://www.90percentofeverything.com/2009/08/25/some-fun-eye-tracking-heatmaps/

这是米开朗基罗的有名的大理石雕塑大卫(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_(Michelangelo)). 原图是
David von Michelangelo

观众面对这张照片时最多看的是身体的那些部位? 用"eye tracking"技术研究, 可以得出结论: "people almost always focus in on faces, breasts and genital areas", 脸部, 胸部, 生殖器.  男女观众都是这样.

把上述的测量过程 (测出你的眼睛注视的地方) 反过来, 变成一个控制过程: 让你的眼睛移向我指点的地方. 就是我说的“眼珠移动技术”.

Monday, January 23, 2012


The court ruled 9-0 that police violated the Constitution when they attached a GPS tracker to the vehicle of Antoine Jones without a valid search warrant.

Earlier today, in a big victory for privacy rights, the Supreme Court ruled in U.S. v. Jones that the government violated the Fourth Amendment when it attached a GPS device to Antoine Jones's car and tracked his movements continuously for a month without a warrant. The ACLU filed an amicus in the case. 

This was a critical decision for defending the Fourth Amendment, which protects Americans from unreasonable searches. But even more significant, this was the first time in 20 years, the Supreme Court has had to consider the constitutionality of location-tracking technology.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

U.S. is no longer the land of the free

10 reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free

By Jonathan Turley                         January 13, 2012
Jonathan Turley (born May 6, 1961) is an American lawyer, legal scholar, writer, commentator, and legal analyst in broadcast and print journalism. He is currently a professor of law at The George Washington University Law School.
The framers lived under autocratic rule and understood this danger better than we do. James Madison famously warned that we needed a system that did not depend on the good intentions or motivations of our rulers: “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.”
Benjamin Franklin was more direct. In 1787, a Mrs. Powel confronted Franklin after the signing of the Constitution and asked, “Well, Doctor, what have we got — a republic or a monarchy?” His response was a bit chilling: “A republic, Madam, if you can keep it.”
Since 9/11, we have created the very government the framers feared: a government with sweeping and largely unchecked powers resting on the hope that they will be used wisely. 9.11以来,我们打造的恰恰是美国宪法的起草者们担心的那种政府:一个具有在很大程度上不受制约的广泛权力的政府,人们只能寄希望于政府明智地行使这些权力。
Dishonesty from politicians is nothing new for Americans. The real question is whether we are lying to ourselves when we call this country the land of the free.

但是从我个人的经验来说,该文标题对美国社会敲响的警钟很有必要。美国政府这样对待我,应该不是个别现象。我也许应该contact Prof. Jonathan Turley  让他知道除了他在文中讨论的法学理论和法律条文外,美国政府还在法律系统外,对FBI所怀疑的无辜美国公民,建立了灰色的第二司法系统。在这个系统中,没有证据不要紧,只有有怀疑就可以了。然后可以编造证据(见本博客最早一篇文章
http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=11805678#editor/target=post;postID=111224584526870771)。在提出证据和定罪时完全背着被告。根本就没有被告面对起诉核对事实辩解指责的机会,一旦在这个witch-hunting 的私刑法庭上判你有罪,那就是无期徒刑。不管你怎么抗议,就是顽固坚持他们的错误做法。越抗议对你的骚扰强度越大,就是要压服你。肆意侵犯公民自由的程度,肯定出乎Prof. Jonathan Turley的想象。   

Thursday, January 12, 2012

差点撞车 A Collision Set-up

昨天 (Jan 11, 2012, Wednesday) 上午8:55am 在我经过 1st St 和 Westwood Dr 的交叉路口时差点撞上一部停在路中央的车。这个交叉路口在地图上的位置,可以在 http://maps.google.com/  的搜索栏中输入  "1st St & Westwood DR, Gilroy, CA 95020, USA" 得到,如下图所示:


当时我沿着 1st St 向东行驶(上图就是1st St 的照片,向东就是上图的前方 ),明明交叉路口的交通灯对我是绿灯,突然在路口中央出现一部车,应该是从Westwood Dr 向北闯红灯开进来的。我如果保持原来到速度和方向,势必和它拦腰相撞。我立刻尽力踩刹车,同时狠命向左打方向盘,总算在该车的左前方停了下来。Thank God, 没撞上。好险,此时两车之间的最近距离只剩下10cm左右,我的车头方向也从向东变成东北北。  我还要赶路,绕过这部挡路车后,继续沿着 1st Street 前进。

  1. 这个路口没有安装监控摄像头。他们有意选择这样的路口布置陷阱。
  2. 在我即将进入路口前,他们使用了“眼珠移动技术” 使我的眼睛有半秒钟离开路面,看不到有车从90度方向闯红灯进入到交叉路口的中央。等到眼睛回到路面,只觉得这部车是从天而降突然出现的。脑海中丝毫没有此车是怎么移动到交叉路口中央的视觉回忆。


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tailgate (紧跟前车车尾)

Tailgate — Driving closely behind another vehicle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tailgate

近来发现对我 tailgate 的车子多了起来。


According to the annual consumer survey, commissioned by The Steel Alliance, 95 percent of drivers said they considered tailgating an aggressive driving act, followed closely by making rude gestures (91 percent) and passing on the shoulder (90 percent). When asked which of these actions they also considered dangerous , 84 percent cited tailgating and passing on the shoulder (83 percent).

对我 tailgate通常发生在两个时间段:刚刚开车出去和即将到家。

今天(Jan 10, 2012)下午1:20PM,我开车回到家门口,正要右转进入我家的drive way,突然对面方向急驾过来一部白色的van,和我车擦身而过。这已经是最近几天的第三次了(上个星期五,昨天星期一,今天星期二)。我进家后,一面在电脑上记录这件事,一面竖着耳朵听外面马路的声音。平均15~20分钟才会有车经过。这个时间、这个地方,你站在外面看,没人没车,一片安静。门前小马路有车,和我开车回到家里,是两个独立事件,正好同时发生的几率就很低。并且这么巧的事(正好在我要从马路转进家的时候,有车过来)连续三天发生肯定是有意制造的。

长期来讲,这几乎是家常便饭了:正准备转进drive way开车库门时,或者是后面有一部车在tailgating紧跟着你,或者是对面车道有车迎面冲过来。

Jan 12, 2012,星期四,补记:今天中午12点15分左右,在到家前的最后一个右转中,我从后视镜看到一部红色卡车迅速从后面赶来,在我减速进家时停在我车后面,在我车的前半部进入drive way时,静静地绕过我车尾部继续前行。这算不算tailgate?好像不算很典型;是不是有意安排的?是。我已经说了,这几乎是家常便饭

目的是什么?战术上是告诉我两件事send me two messages:

  1. 你在我们的严密监视下;
  2. 我们可以选择任何时间惊吓你,给你加重心理压力。
战略上的目的是一个:让你生活在恐惧中。Make you live in fear.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012




另一方面,我对美国人民捍卫“引以自豪、如此珍视的”民主制度和公民权利的巨大力量抱有更充分的信心。我很自豪,我是美国人民的一分子。政府们从来都是找各种借口扩权滥权。Freedom is not free。 和政府的滥权行为作斗争是我对这个伟大的国家、伟大的制度的贡献。我已经在美国生活了26年了,我利用一切机会和各阶层的美国人民交谈,我关心国家大事。Conclusion:伟大的国家,伟大的民族。有什么样的人民,就有什么样的政府。俄国人民都能够对普亭说No,更何况美国人民!

“免于恐惧的自由 ”是罗斯福总统说过的一项基本人权。


Sunday, January 01, 2012

Surveillance Everywhere

昨晚临睡前的文章结束于 “我在美国生活的最近十几年中,美国政府明确地成功地让我知道一个事实:“老大哥在看着你,You're under our close surveillance 24/7/365。” 他们毫不松懈地意志坚决地让我生活在被盯梢的恐惧中。其中的疲累,痛苦与无奈 感之深,恐怕连何清涟也难以体会。”


  1. 2011-12-28。 我担任volunteer instructor (义工教师)的Tai Chi (太极) 班有位学生— 慈祥的白人老太太Elsie Shaw — 发起在她家中聚会(Pot luck party),邀请我们夫妇参加。她家的地址是 2460 Country Drive, Gilroy, CA 65020. 我们在 2011年12月28日中午12点15分到达。四处张望找2460号时,发现2460号的紧邻—2430号门口有两个人,一个老人一个年轻姑娘,在严肃地注视我。找到路边的客人停车位停好车后,我们向2460走去时,这两个人不断地向我招手。有些美国人见到陌生人走过自己家门口时可能会客气地问候一声“Hi !” 也许同时会招一下手。( 实际上对生人招手的可能性很小。)他们完全不是那种喜乐的好客态度,只是不断大幅度招手,无表情不出声地看着你。我对他们回以微笑+招手,他们仍像哑巴机器人似的对我面无表情地大幅度招手。


    上述事实和我的判断是很容易查证的。时间、地点、人物、做了什么、如何做的,都很清楚。如果有人去核实,最后可以问他们一个问题:是哪个组织让你们这样做的?是不是这个组织向你们强调,“我们是纯民间组织,和政府无关”?那么请问在我车上安装GPS,在他们的监视器上随时显示我的私家车在地图上的精确位置,是不是政府行为?根据政府提供的信息和政府的授意,让我十几年来都生活在恐惧中,(也就是那位逃离中国的女作家何清涟所说的 疲累,痛苦与无奈 之中)是不是政府的违宪行为?直接施加者是普通的善良百姓,不必追究责任。但背后的指使者在我一再质问:“Is this constitutional?”之后,仍然坚持违宪行为,不应该迷途知返吗?
  2. 2011-12-30 上午11点左右,我去Target 商店打算购买 walking poles. 从停车场进商店的路上,离开商店去停车场的路上及开车离开时,都发现有人在看着我。进去时是一位中年男子,出来时是一个年轻姑娘。

    2011-12-25左右,我去Home Depot买浇水龙头(water nozzle),出商店去停车场时,一位老太太注视我。我问她“Do you need help?” 她不做声。我开车离开时,她仍然站在那里看着我。以前去Home Depot 时,通常是由该店的工作人员担任这种令我尴尬和羞辱的迎送工作,虽然他们很客气。