Monday, February 29, 2016

Hostile Harassments during Hiking

Yesterday (2/28/2016, Sunday) morning, I went hiking between 10:10 AM to 12:10 PM.

  • An Asian woman at 1990 Lavender Way, Gilroy CA 95020 was assigned to give me hostile staring and talking.
  • A fierce big black dog was released in the back yard of 2341 Houa Ln, Gilroy CA 95020, dashing toward me and kept barking to me loudly when I was walking along Olea Ct. until the dog couldn't see me. It made me terribly frightened. I couldn't sleep well last night and my heart keeps pounding all night and this morning. My blood pressures went up to 172/95 this morning.  The hostile game has been well designed. First a oncoming vehicle quickly run to me, forcing me to get close to the iron bar fence of the backyard  and then the dog was released to frightened me.
  • A sedan car (in shining brown color) suddenly came up and run toward to me at the dead end of Olea Ct, Gilroy CA 95020, exactly the same time I got down to the dead end of Olea Ct. and then made a U-turn around me at the dead end 

Friday, February 26, 2016

FBI 的要求违反宪法

21 hours ago - The demand by the FBI that Apple help it break into the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone breaches its constitutional rights under the First and Fifth Amendments by seeking to “conscript and commandeer” its employees, the Silicon Valley company argued in a legal response on ...


这一动议是苹果对法庭作出的首次回应。此前,苹果首席执行官蒂姆•库克(Tim Cook)与FBI局长詹姆斯•科米(James Comey)已打了一周多的口水仗,争论的火药味也越来越浓。
科米和库克下周将在美国众议院司法委员会(House judiciary committee)就加密、隐私和安全问题作证。

Sent from my
9 hours ago - ... motion to dismiss the FBI's court order. Here are five things we learned. iphone apple fbipasscode.

Apple: Court must reverse "dangerous" FBI order | World | ... › news › apple-court-mus...
20 hours ago - Apple responded in court Thursday to an order it hack an ... terrorist attack, calling the FBI'sdemand unconstitutional, illegal ... for Apple wrote in a 36-page motion filed in federal district ...

Apple to Tighten iCloud Backup Encryption - › article › apple...
1 day ago - / about 3 hours ago ... Apple's call in the conflict with FBI: the company ... Apple tel