Monday, December 28, 2015

80-20 and ACAPS

Be Extremely Alarmed!  
    CALL TO ACTION - Chinese Am Professors & Scientists 

   Let's EMULATE the 480 exemplary members of "The Association of  
Chinese American Professors and Scientists (ACAPS)," Univ. of Maryland.

Critical battles must be won mainly by our own
efforts.  No battle is more critical than opposing profiling against us by race & national origin for national security reasons.  The next step will be internment.  

If we allow this type of profiling, then higher barriers against our college applicants and glass ceilings against our adults become logical components of the same race policy.  

   Every Chinese-Am who wants to avoid this fate needs to send a letter
to Attorney General Lynch to request an independent investigation of the wrongful prosecution of Dr. Sherry Chen, Xianoxing Xi and others. Be sure to copy in Pres. Obama, and your own state's entire congressional delegation. Click here to find their mailing addresses.

    Let's fight this battle cohesively.  Organize to send letters BY GROUPS.

   Don't labor on the contents of the letter.  There are plenty of eloquent
letters and articles already.  See below.  Just cut, paste and put together a letter that suits your group.

   The more important part is the number of signers.  Spend your time organizing, the larger the number of people who will sign your letter, the more effective our COMBINED voices will be.  When the number is large enough, DOJ will listen.  Frankly, DOJ is not likely to read your letter, but it will count the number of persons who have signed such letters.  

    If you are sending a letter from an established group e.g. ACAPS of MD,
all you need to do is state the number of members in your group.  If you are forming an ad hoc group, then you need to list their names, perhaps even include their respective titles but please clarify that titles are used for identification purpose only.  

    Don't be timid.  Use the holiday parties that you'll be attending to organize!  We can't afford to lose this critical battle.

    As soon as YOU decide to organize and send a letter in your locality or state, let me know.   80-20 may be able to help you form a core group in your area, using its membership and donor lists.   

                                    DOJ Will Respond or
                           Face Stronger Actions from Us

     If DOJ doesn't respond, 80-20 will take stronger actions.  Examples include the following: demonstrate in front of DOJ in which I'll personally participate. 
Write Pres. Obama and DNC stating our disappointment with DOJ and that we will count it against the Democrats in the 2016 election.  We may also call for scientists to boycott national security related projects or working in the national labs.  The senators and congresspersons who have written DOJ are already pressing for answers from DOJ.

     Go organize YOUR own group NOW!  

S. B. Woo 

President and a volunteer for the past 17 years
80-20 Initiative, Inc.

1) Find the address of A.G. Lynch by clicking here,
2) Send it to A.G. Lynch via priority mail, and return receipt requested, and
3) Find the addresses of your state's congressional delegates here.

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Thursday, December 24, 2015

湾区著名民权律师 John Burris

越华获赔千万 家属:正义伸张
December 23, 2015, 6:12 am 955 次
《《 回上一页阅读前文
......林雄出院后一直希望与凯文恢复感情,他在1月3日到凯文在圣荷西的住所,手持小刀欲以自残相威胁。林雄没有找到凯文,但他的异常行为却惊动邻居,住在隔壁的圣马刁县退休警员安德森(Helen Anderson)一面劝林雄,观察他的行为,一面指示丈夫拨打911报警。
代表林雄控告圣荷西市府的湾区著名民权律师布瑞斯(John Burris)说:“多名邻居证词都显示,林雄没有任何危险行为,只是持刀漫无目的在寻找凯文。安德森是退休警员,对执法程序非常熟悉,她也证明女警卫斯特没有必要开枪。卫斯特赶到现场后,没有对事发经过和周边环境做任何了解。”
布鲁斯又说:“卫斯特在军队服役12年,加入圣荷西警局12年,有丰富的执法经验,却仍然贸然行事,说明警员缺乏处理精神疾病患的经验。圣荷西警员接受过危机处理培训(Crisis Intervention Training),与精神病嫌犯应保持距离,避免冲突,但实际执法时很少依此准则。”
另一名代表律师尼森鲍姆(Benjamin Nisenbaum)表示,卫斯特的证词也与邻居证词矛盾,邻居都看到林雄一手拿刀,一手拿手机,卫斯特却说她看到林雄从腰间掏出小刀。卫斯特说,林雄慢慢向她靠近,邻居则证明并不是这样。

NY Times & WashPost Condemn DOJ

Sunday, November 22, 2015

NY Times & WashPost Condemn DOJ

Heed the Warnings.

2 Prestigious Newspapers Spoke Out Against DOJ 

     As early as a month ago, NY Times published a strongly worded editorial entitled "The Rush to Find China's Moles" condemning DOJ's abuse of government power which ruined the lives of innocent Chinese Americans.

      "F.B.I. agents and federal prosecutors appear to have acted with reckless haste.. . . . But these concerns [of threats from Chin] cannot justify prosecutions driven by supposition rather than solid evidence. The charges filed against Mr. Xi and Ms. Chen traumatized them and their families and needlessly damaged their professional reputations. Neither got an explanation or an apology from the government. They deserve both."

     A few days ago, on November 12, Washington Post published an "opinion", entitled  "Chinese-Americans are being caught mistakenly in  in the U.S.'s cybercrime dragnet" by Peter Zeidenberg.  It stated,
     "And while the danger posed by Chinese agents may indeed be real, so is the danger of overreacting to it  . . . prosecutors have proceeded as if wearing blinders, . . . plowing ahead with prosecutions that should  never have been brought. . . innocent U.S. citizens have been victimized by their government . . . had their employment and livelihoods threatened and been forced to pay for legal defenses that could easily bankrupt anyone of modest means."
     Peter Zeidebberg is the lawyer for both Sherry Chen & Prof. Xiaoxing Xi.  80-20 likes to use this opportunity to salute Peter for standing up for justice. 

         Who Understands More About US Politics???

     It is highly unusual that 2 of the most prestigious newspapers in the US, known for their deep understanding of US government and politicscondemn the US government, one publishing an EDITORIAL and the other an OPINION.  They probably realize that many new immigrants from China don't understand the "norm" of US governmental practices.  80-20 deeply appreciates their warnings to the Chinese Am. community.  Notice the words used in their respective condemnations "reckless haste", "danger", and "victimized by their government."  Wake up!  FORWARD this to your friends.

S. B. Woo
President and a volunteer for the past 17 years
80-20 Initiative, Inc.

PS:  Did you hear that Donald Trump proposed to register Muslims in the US?   Have you thought about what could be next?  Wake up!

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