Thursday, February 26, 2015

CitizenFour wins Oscar

87th Annual Academy Awards - Show
Producer Dirk Wilutzky, director Laura Poitras, journalist Glenn Greenwald, Lindsay Mills and producer Mathilde Bonnefoy accept the documentary feature Oscar on Sunday for "CitizenFour" onstage. (Kevin Winter / Getty Images)

美国人民最不相信的是政府,因为政府大权在握,政府不守法,侵害公民权利的可能性最大. 所以一个国家最重要的是政府守法.才能建成法治社会. 美国媒体是站在斯斯诺登一边的. 诺登年近二十九岁, 非常年轻, 但是在曝光美国安全局违犯美国法律的全监视球计划上, 看来是深思熟虑. 现在有确凿的证据证明美国安全局违犯美国法律.

为了躲避美国政府的迫害, 斯诺登只有躲藏在俄罗斯, 我相信总有一天, 在美国人民和舆论的压力下, 会迫使美国政府改正错误, 使斯诺登重新回到美国.

Vehicles passing by my house midnight purposely


At 11:20 PM of yesterday, 2015-2-25, a vehicle with loud engine noise was suddenly passing by my house while I was putting a garbage bag into the outside trash container. It is not a coincidence. The phenomena happens very often when I've finished downstairs work going upstairs to my bedroom.   


The message they sent to me through the phenomena is
  1. We have sophisticate surveillance inside your house. We have been keeping close eye on you all the time 24/7/365.
  2. We want you to be living constantly in fear and being frightened.
What they did to me, who is an innocent US citizen with no crime record, is illegal warrantless surveillance, illegal stalking and illegal intimidating.  Those patterns of their actions have been infringing my civil rights for years.

They should have surveillance camera outside my house as well. That can be used to verify what happened at 11:20 PM yesterday.