
Tortured Guantánamo Detainee, Makes Case for Release
WASHINGTON — After 14 years of detention, Abu Zubaydah, the suspected terrorist brutally tortured after his capture in 2002, appeared for the first time at a Guantánamo Bay hearing on Tuesday morning and said he should be released because he posed no threat.
华盛顿——周二,在关塔那摩湾(Guantánamo Bay)的一场听证会上,已经被关押14年的恐怖分子嫌疑人阿布·朱贝达(Abu Zubaydah)首次公开露面,声称自己应该被释放,因为他并不构成任何威胁。2002年被捕后,朱贝达曾遭受酷刑折磨。
Through an anonymous soldier who read a summary of his views under convoluted Defense Department rules, Zubaydah declared that he “has no desire or intent to harm the United States or any other country.” He said he would like to be reunited with his family and “has some seed money that could be used to start a business after he is reintegrated into society.”

U.S. Central Command
Video of the 17-minute open part of the hearing was streamed to a Pentagon conference room where a dozen reporters and human rights advocates were allowed to watch. It was a landmark of a sort: the hearing was the first time that members of the public other than his lawyers had been allowed to see him since his capture after being badly injured in a shootout in Pakistan in March 2002.
Zubaydah, now 45, did not speak during the unclassified part of the hearing, called a Periodic Review Board.
听证会名为定期审查委员会(Periodic Review Board)。在听证会的非保密部分中,现年45岁的朱贝达并未开口说话。
Born in Saudi Arabia to a family of Palestinian background, Zubaydah became a sort of travel agent, camp administrator and facilitator for militant fighters in Afghanistan in the early 1990s.
But when he was shot and taken into U.S. custody six months after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, he was the first significant suspect captured in an increasingly desperate global CIA manhunt. At the time, U.S. intelligence officials wrongly concluded that he was a top-ranking leader of al-Qaida who might have knowledge of forthcoming plots.
That mistaken belief was one reason CIA officials, advised by two military psychologists who had no experience conducting interrogations, decided to use extreme physical force to try to break him. The decision followed a productive, traditional interrogation by FBI agents, who believed Zubaydah was cooperating and thought the harsh measures unnecessary and unjustified.
He was the first prisoner to be subjected to waterboarding — 83 times water was poured over a cloth covering his mouth and nose to give him the feeling of drowning, as records later would show. Interrogators were themselves distressed by his suffering and told CIA supervisors that they thought he had no more information to offer, only to be told to continue the rough treatment.
Officials later acknowledged that the initial description of him as the No. 3 figure in al-Qaida was incorrect.
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