Monday, April 08, 2013


to me
8 hours ago

Google Logo Googlebot can't access your site

Over the last 24 hours, Googlebot encountered 1 errors while attempting to access your robots.txt. To ensure that we didn't crawl any pages listed in that file, we postponed our crawl. Your site's overall robots.txt error rate is 100.0%.
You can see more details about these errors in Webmaster Tools.

Recommended action
If the site error rate is 100%:
  • Using a web browser, attempt to access If you are able to access it from your browser, then your site may be configured to deny access to googlebot. Check the configuration of your firewall and site to ensure that you are not denying access to googlebot.
  • If your robots.txt is a static page, verify that your web service has proper permissions to access the file.
  • If your robots.txt is dynamically generated, verify that the scripts that generate the robots.txt are properly configured and have permission to run. Check the logs for your website to see if your scripts are failing, and if so attempt to diagnose the cause of the failure.
If the site error rate is less than 100%:
  • Using Webmaster Tools, find a day with a high error rate and examine the logs for your web server for that day. Look for errors accessing robots.txt in the logs for that day and fix the causes of those errors.
  • The most likely explanation is that your site is overloaded. Contact your hosting provider and discuss reconfiguring your web server or adding more resources to your website.
  • If your site redirects to another hostname, another possible explanation is that a URL on your site is redirecting to a hostname whose serving of its robots.txt file is exhibiting one or more of these issues.
After you think you've fixed the problem, use Fetch as Google to fetch to verify that Googlebot can properly access your site.
Learn more in our Help Center.

Got feedback? Leave it here. Be sure to include this message ID: [WMT-94051] 

Friday, April 05, 2013




在『百人会』的努力下,ABC的夜线(NIGHTLINE)节目推出了一个有关华人所受压力和种族歧视问题的专题节目。当时百人会会长邓兆祥也去信司法部长,敦促美国政府公正处理李文和案,不要让麦卡锡式的种族歧视悲剧重演。   而时任「百人会」副会长的谢正刚先生与李文和辩护律师团孙自华律师四处奔走,他强烈呼吁美国社会,华裔美国人的忠诚不容怀疑,并表示,李文和一案的核心问题,是美国宪法平等保护每位公民,而应该走到的司法程序,没有能得到尊重



1949年国共内战末期,谢氏举家迁移美国,谢正刚先生的弟弟谢诚刚先生后来也在美国创立星光娱乐集团(Starz Entertainment Group),他也是『百人会』的成员,2009年他在科罗拉多州丹佛大学捐赠成立『谢寿康国际安全与外交学术中心』以纪念他父亲。


◆Charlie was a very passionate member of the C100, he has pure heart and commitment to see that our mission is achieved. He work extremely hard to better ourselves always. We are benefited greatly from his contributions. Sometimes I think he is long winded but I always smile knowing how much he really cares and now I will really miss his friendship and loyalty. ──程守宗(John S. Chen, 前Sybase董事長、首席執行官兼總裁)
◆I was so surprised and saddened by the news of his passing away. I have known Charlie for years through Committee 100. Every time I saw him, smile is always on his face. He is like Santa Claus to everyone. After retirement from his successful career, he was active in C100 and many other non-profit organizations, trying to contribute what he could. As far as I could recall, he never refused any request for help. It is really a grave loss for me, C100, and the entire Chinese community.──陳五福(Wu-Fu Chen, 橡子園合夥人)
◆It is indeed very sad to hear of Charlie's passing. He was a lion — both feisty and generous at the same time. We'll miss him. ──戴國良 (Jackson Tai, 前星展集團DBS Group Holdings首席執行官)
◆He was my hero as the voice of conscience that reflected credit to C100 and made me proud to be in his company. I will miss him and the telephone conversations when he shared his concerns about Chinese American issues with me. Many of us will remember Charlie for his tenacity in monitoring the Wen Ho Lee affair.──顧屏山(George Koo,國際商業顧問)
◆With my deepest sadness,Dr. Charlie Sie was my greatest mentor for more than 35 years.──曾憲章(Carter Tseng, 曉龍基金會創始人)
◆Charlie was a great and wonderful human being. It was an honor and privilege to have known him. ──(Honorable Ted Lieu,加州州參議員)
◆相識四十二載,如師如友,深蒙教誨。怎奈驟然泰山其頹,哲人其萎!猶記去年武漢論壇,心懷兩岸郷邦,高風讜論,深受尊祟;咸寧九宮山之遊,好友共享鄉村野趣,歷歷在目,恍如昨日。平生高材博學,君子無争,更具赤子之心。提㩗後進,諄諄不倦,又每見不平,挺身而出。今忽而永別,實傷痛無已,兄雖仙去,風範永存! ──(Wei Kao)
◆我與Charlie有著幾代人的淵源,當初我從台灣北一女畢業之後到教廷訪問,就曾有幸接受謝壽康大使夫婦的款待。Charlie畢生主持公平、正義,無論是李文和事件,還是為Goodwin Liu爭取聯邦大法官的任命熱心奔走,都深深感召了我。他非常熱心參與推動各項公共事務,最難能可貴的,是他永遠對人保持真誠率直,充滿熱誠,永遠不失赤子之心。他開創了百人會的Mentoring program,對年輕人的鼓勵和教誨不遺餘力,我為他的熱情和激情深深感動。這麼一位可敬可愛的朋友突然離世,讓我們深感痛心,難以接受。──陳李琬若(Lily Lee Chen,前 Monterey Park City市長)

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

