Thursday, November 24, 2011

俄国 FSB 骚扰涉外人员 美国FBI又何尝不如此?

今天是感恩节,2011-11-24 星期四。我们夫妇俩在朋友家吃完感恩节晚餐开车回家,正在左转要进入我家的driveway 时,突然一部大车成90度方向冲我车开来,虽然它及时刹车停在邻居家门口,但也吓我们一跳。我赶紧开入driveway打开车库门,慌忙中调整几次才把车开进车库停好。在我们来回几次把东西从trunk搬回屋内时,这部车始终停在那里不动。等到我搬完东西走出车库门去看看是怎么回事时,它一下就开跑了。从车后看,好像是一部深蓝色的van。时间是2011-11-24 星期四 下午6点多一点。


  1. 你在我们的严密监视下;
  2. 我们可以选择任何时间来惊吓你。


【mbl:美国的FBI又何尝不如此?我本人就有亲身经历。这十几年来所受的各种骚扰也足够写一本书了。两个星期前我离家两小时后回来时就发现一张绿色的塑料小椅子被人移到书桌下的电脑边上,这张小椅子从来就没有放在那边过。几年前曾有几次开车回家时,赫然发现车库门竟然大开着,明明离家时肯定已经把车库门关好的恐怖经验 ……】

September 25, 2011
现在普亭打算再任俄罗斯总统,英国的一部新书透露,俄国情报机构「联邦安全局」(FSB) 对美英外交官、为西方大使馆工作的俄国人员、异议人士、人权工作者和记者,正在进行大规模骚扰、恫吓、监视行动。西方国家鉴于已经与普亭关系紧张,未予声张,也未公开抱怨。

这部由英国卫报(Guardian)前驻莫斯科记者哈定(Luke Harding)所写的新书,书名为「黑手党国家」(Mafia State)。它说,FSB的手法包括普遍监听电话、跟监、拦截电邮等,主要在于制造对方的心理紧张。这些手法是由格别乌(KGB,国家安全委员会)研发,而普亭曾任KGB中校,也曾担任FSB首长。
新书的这一部分摘要在24日的「周末杂志」(Weekend magazine)开始连载。 

Mafia State is our Book of the  Month for October

Extra mafia state
In 2007 Luke Harding arrived in Moscow to take up a new job as a correspondent for the British newspaper the Guardian.
Within months, mysterious agents from Russia's Federal Security Service – the successor to the KGB – had broken into his flat. He found himself tailed by men in cheap leather jackets, bugged, and even summoned to Lefortovo, the KGB's notorious prison. The break-in was the beginning of an extraordinary psychological war against the journalist and his family. Vladimir Putin's spies used tactics developed by the KGB and perfected in the 1970s by the Stasi, East Germany's sinister secret police. This clandestine campaign burst into the open in 2011 when the Kremlin expelled Harding from Moscow – the first western reporter to be deported from Russia since the days of the Cold War.
Mafia State: How one reporter became an enemy of the brutal new Russia is a brilliant and haunting account of the insidious methods used by a resurgent Kremlin against its so-called "enemies" – human rights workers, western diplomats, journalists and opposition activists. It includes unpublished material from confidential US diplomatic cables, released last year by WikiLeaks, which describe Russia as a "virtual mafia state".
Harding gives a unique, personal and compelling portrait of today's Russia, two decades after the end of communism, that reads like a spy thriller.


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