Sunday, November 13, 2011

Doubt Validity of Indoor Surveillance


  1.  It is illegal to install surveillance cameras inside a private residential house unless the government agency got court permission, based on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)**. ( 2nd note below).
  2.  FISA was designed for uncovering possible espionage case. If you intentionally make the person under suspicion aware of your 7/24 surveillance, how can you collect necessary evidences and arrest the spy? The only explanation is that you already clearly knew I am not a spy, and then you want nothing but intimidating me and making me live in fear.
    Is this doing constitutional?
  3. Even If they had had a court permission, their indoor surveillance could  have only been used for monitoring, and strictly not allowed to have been used for intimidating purpose.
  4.  I usually go upstairs around 9 PM. What a coincidence! I always see a vehicle passing by my front windows with strong headlights on.  It was 9PM, and Heritage Way - the street I am living in - is a very quiet short street during night. Actually, I noticed many times no vehicle passing by for about 30 minutes before I go up. What a coincidence, here it comes when I am in the stair. The man-made “coincidence” makes me feel threatened.
  • 有时候我在室内时(一般是白天),只要我人往前门方向走去,就会有大车从我门前呼啸而过。这是很容易验证的,多走几次就可以排除偶然因素。
  • 一大早天蒙蒙亮我出门慢跑时,经常刚一出门就有车驶过。有时候是一部车开过;有时候是两部相反方向的车,正好在我的门前交会。在天蒙蒙亮时,我们这条街上是极少有车开过的,我出门后站在人行道上很久都没有车经过。
  • 我在那个电子邮件中只提到Jason and Holy夫妇,实际上住在我斜对面的CCIC-SV教会的牧师夫妇(Pete & Jane Fong at 1350 Heritage Way, Gilroy, CA 95020)也曾担当过同样的任务。几年前有好几次,我带外孙女Rebecca出去,我刚打开前门的同时,对面的Jane也打开前门出来,碰巧的事发生太多次就肯定不是偶然了。我在2008-10-13发那个email给Jason夫妇的同时也cc给他们。在此之后,我开前门时就再也没有见Jane也正好开门出来了。但只是变了人员和模式,有时候是他们的女儿Jane,有时候是Pete本人,就在我刚刚出门时,他们就很巧地发动车子要走。碰到这种场合,我都立即跑到他们的车前,隔着车窗和他们打招呼。实在来不及,就隔着马路大声打招呼。再说一遍,我的邻居都是很好很善良的普通百姓,我如果处在同样地位,我也会做完全同样的分配给我做的事情。


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